Acrylic and mixed media on canvas 12" x 9 ". Description: The artist has used dried eucalyptus, crystals, Swarovski crystals, rope, cardboard, and battery operated lights to achieve a day-dream like effect. When the lights are on, there is an illusion to a doorway. The work speaks to change and the many forms that the process of change can and needs to take, including imagintion and play.
This art piece comes with the accompanying ekphrasis poem, Let it Shine by Stefani Alzati.
Let it Shine
The light is the first leaf to turn
Just one falling through the air
To turn the world upside down
The leaves, voracious readers
Devouring the gentle lyrics of the sun
Stretching long legs and arms rooting down
Birthing infrastructure bustling communities
each one counted and put there for a reason
The light fuels the whole system of care
A rumble in the ground, a whisper in the air
Light is and will always be the way home
What is light? It is the joy of a wagging tail
Crystalline orbs dancing along the walking path
Bright red morning sun rises after deep rain
switch on that imagination space
and inside the door to a magical place
of adventure and exploration just a hop skip
and a jump away from the joy of play
Hide it under a rock no more
I’m going to let it shine.
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
This purchase includes:
* 1 piece original artwork (hand delivered in Edmonton)
* Accompanying poem signed by Stefani Alzati.
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Canadian visual artist,
author, poet, facilitator
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