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Acrylic and mixed media on canvas 12" x 12". Description: The artist has used dried roses and Swarovski crystals to explore the idea of self-love and inperfections within nature and the self.


The art piece comes with the accompanying ekphrasis poem, Love Me, Honey by Stefani Alzati.


Love me, Honey

I hold up a mirror each day in care

hair, nails, teeth, bones, and skin

one day the mirror smiles at me

a flirting twinkling sparkling stare

Love me, honey, if you dare

delicate deep red lipped roses

unfold their seductive petals in front of

yearning eyes, the outer layer satisfied

each rose pedal technically imperfect

creates the most meticulous curiosity of symmetry


I am no longer the princess, I am the queen

I have a kingdom, created tongue tooth and nail

from obstinate flight of imagination fancies

garden walls capable and armored

beware who hides there beyond my castle walls

I am the strength of the great rose gardens

staying in formation for thousands of generations

soft as pedals, tough as crystals, beautiful, I am


This purchase includes:

* 1 piece original artwork (hand delivered in Edmonton)

* Accompanying poem signed by Stefani Alzati.


If You Dare

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